What are the benefits of swimming with lifeguard training.
The most complete physical activity goes by the name: swimming .The sport of swimming is well known due to the abundance of research on the benefits it offers to the body. Among the many sports that are practiced, swimming stands out both for the benefits it offers to the health and the physical condition of the practitioners with lifeguard training.
Who is swimming suitable for?
Women, men, the elderly, children, people with disabilities can all exercise in the water by swimming! The truth is that there are no restrictions on this physical activity with lifeguard training.
Age, for example, is not a problem. From the age of 6 months, the contact with the liquid element is surprisingly interesting for the baby. Especially at about 2 years old, swimming plays a decisive role in the life of children because they learn the limits of water and begin to gain some independence, however at this age the lessons for children should be different and with an emphasis on play, an important factor for their proper development.
And the maximum age?
The good news is that it does not exist! Even the elderly can benefit from exercising in the water as the vibrations in the joints are minimal, while it burns more calories than any activity of reduced vibrations (eg walking) something that can benefit people with extra pounds with lifeguard training.
Swimming and breathing: How to breathe when swimming?
What are the benefits of swimming?
Improves blood circulation
The combined movements of the upper and lower limbs and the chest together with the cardiorespiratory effort during the exercise, help to eliminate the fat around the heart. In this way, it becomes stronger and the blood circulates better.
With the better circulation that hydrostatic pressure offers to our body, nutrients circulate more easily and are better distributed in it. Only from this benefit do we understand how good exercise in water is for health with the risk of cardiovascular disease being significantly reduced, thus “shielding” our heart with lifeguard training.
Strengthens the respiratory system
During swimming, we learn how to combine breathing with swimming techniques. The moist environment helps to dilate the airways by facilitating the flow of air in the body. In addition, the air inlet and outlet muscles are activated resulting in a small increase in the lungs and therefore a greater ability to absorb oxygen.
Due to the respiratory benefits, swimming is especially prescribed for people with diseases of this category such as asthma or bronchitis. If you are one of them then start exercising in the water! Besides, swimming and exercising in the water help prevent these and other diseases with lifeguard training.
Reduces joint pain
Many people think about starting a sport over and over again as they fear joint pain. If there are problems in these areas or they are elderly then the fear grows more. The good news is that in water we do not need to have such fears.
In particular, swimming, because it is practiced in water without contact with the floor or other surface that would create vibrations in the joints and pressure on the spine and the body in general, is a demanding physical activity, which however does not cause pain, making it ideal for people with arthritis and similar diseases.
Helps to lose weight
Moving in the water requires more effort than walking for example. This is because there is more pressure in the water than in the air, the element we come in contact with when we walk. That’s why swimming burns a lot more calories than running.
To better understand how swimming can help us lose weight, it is possible to burn up to 800 calories per hour while swimming, depending on the swimming style and intensity of the activity. The American College of Sports reports that a healthy person should burn 1000-1500 calories per week through physical activity. So do you want to lose weight? Come to the pool!
Improves strength and muscle line
Perhaps for many and many the most attractive reason to start swimming. If you are one of those people who want to get their body in shape, swimming can help. Because water is 12 times denser than air and the swimmer must overcome water resistance to move, there is a collective activation of the body’s muscles, thus promoting an increase in muscle strength and lineage.
If you want to learn more, take a look at the article we analyzed. Which muscles do you exercise when you swim?
Reduces the risk of diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is directly linked to a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. This is because the disease develops when the body can not use all the insulin produced by the body.
Aerobic exercise is the most recommended by experts for the treatment of this type of diabetes. An intense swimming workout can burn up to 700 calories, which would reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 10%.
Increases self-confidence and reduces stress
Unfortunately, most of the time low self-esteem is associated with extra pounds since the thinking body model is the impossible. So for someone who starts swimming and loses weight, the feeling of joy raises self-confidence.
Besides, many people who do not know how to swim are ashamed to swim in swimming pools or in the sea, so for these people to learn to swim means more confidence, freedom and security in the water, the best “sedatives” of the mind.
Exercising in the water means pleasure. This is why it is ideal for eliminating stress, and releasing endorphins, the hormones of happiness. So swimming offers health, improves our body, relieves stress and makes us happy, is not it perfect?
- Swimming still offers you….
- Good sleep quality
- Increase good cholesterol (HDL) and maintain healthy arteries
- Help in treating fibromyalgia
- Before you start, consult your doctor: generally swimming is not contraindicated, but if, for example, you have
- dermatological problems, the chlorine in the pool can intensify it.
- Look for a pool with competent and qualified health professionals involved in swimming. Learning and training methodology needs a professional.
- Buy the necessary equipment. (glasses, hat, swimsuit)
Warm up before entering the water (eg stretching), and do not forget to consume water, the body also sweats in the water.
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