Make Sure You Buy These Laminates

Laminates made of artificially produced paper and resins, still manage to be most worthy of buying. Laminates give every plywood product an attractive cover surface. They have multiple uses and are highly beneficial for builders as well as house owners. CenturyLaminates come in different price ranges, designs, and patterns. They are engineered in a unique way that makes them impact resistant and more durable than any of the other laminates available. CenturyLaminates can be used for corporate, industrial, and residential purposes. Its dense and durable nature makes them the perfect laminates for your house.
So, if you are planning to have laminated furniture in your house, you should consider purchasing the following laminates by CenturyLaminates, they not only have the best quality but are also diverse in designs and colour –
1. Lucida –
Lucida laminates is one of the best laminate ranges by CenturyLaminates. These Lucida laminates are glossy and perfectly furnished laminates that give your house a brand-new look. These laminates are best known for their impact resistance. They are resistant against scuff, split, warp, and abrasion. The laminates are also anti-viral and heat resistant. The anti-microbial feature of Lucida laminates makes it easy to maintain for people. This type of laminate is perfect if you are thinking of redoing your kitchen, conference rooms or living room.
2. Silk tuff –
Silk tuff laminates by CenturyLaminates are specially designed and have a European matte finish surface. This unique touch makes them the best laminate sheets in India. Silk tuff laminates brighten your living area and house with their appeal and smoothness. These are anti-viral too, which makes your house healthy from the inside. You do not have to worry about viruses that can affect your house’s health. Silk tuff laminates look best in the living room, dining table, and office cubicles.
3. Star line –
Star line is another range of super-efficient laminates by CenturyLaminates. These 0.8 mm laminates are durable and very resistant against all types of scratch and damage. Star line laminates add extra strength to your tables, desks, cabinets, and closets.
4. Monocore –
These high-quality laminates are the perfect decorative sheets that you might look for. They add life to your new furniture and make your house look new. Monocore laminates are best suited for commercial spaces. They make the commercial corners look sharper and more professional.
5. Anti-fingerprint –
Sounds great and unbelievable, right? Wooden furniture that is anti-fingerprint sounds like a dream that CenturyLaminates made true. Anti-fingerprint laminates mean no matter how much you use them, touch them and move them; your hand stains won’t leave any mark. Smooth laminates are so clear that the slightest smudge can be seen through. And we all know how messy our handprints or fingerprints can be.
CenturyLaminates comes with anti-fingerprint laminates, meaning they will be smudge-free, and one does not need to clean them every day. Anti-fingerprint laminates are the best laminates for kitchens. Since we touch things in the kitchen with bare hands all the time, the kitchen set-ups are more likely to get fingerprint marks. Other than kitchens, they are also suited for hospitals, bathrooms, and office desks.
6. Specialty laminates –
These special laminates by CenturyLaminates are specially built to withstand industrial purposes. They are retardant and very durable. The impact resistance of these speciality laminates by CenturyLaminates is impressive. The laminates are fire-retardant, magnetic, and shockproof.
Thus, if you want a house that will last almost forever with both healthy inside and outside, then make sure to buy these laminates by CenturyLaminates. There is no better option for your furniture, but these. CenturyLaminates laminates come at all lengths, sizes, colours, patterns, and prices. They are anti-microbial, heat-resistant, and fire-retardant. They provide your house with the best safety anyone could ever imagine.