Latest Updates on LEI Regulations and Requirements

LEIs are important for financial reporting and regulatory requirements across borders. In light of the ongoing changes in the financial sector, demands and provisions regarding LEI are changing to meet emerging challenges and improve supervision. This one-stop resource offers elaborative information regarding the new developments of LEI norms and standards, their relevance as well as their applicability, especially in the Indian market to get you LEI number.
1. Global LEI System Enhancements
LEI 2.0 Initiative
GLEIF has launched LEI 2.0, a project to combine LEI data with financial identifiers like BIC and ISIN. This will make LEI data more compatible and usable, giving a more thorough understanding of business relationships and financial dealings.
Improved Data Quality
GLEIF is always engaged in enhancing the data quality of the international LEI system. The actions that have been taken in the recent past include the validation procedures being tightened where all the information contained in the local operating units (LOUs) is checked at least annually to ensure that they are correct and up to date. Thus, improvements in the quality of data are significant for accurate regulation and risk reporting.
2. European Union: Specification of stronger LEI standards
MiFID II and EMIR Compliance
It is one of the EU firms including compliance with regulations such as MiFID II and EMIR. The ESMA has further strengthened the LEI usage under the MiFID II and the EMIR directives with the latest changes. These regulations require that every party legally involved in any financial operations in the territory of the EU shall obtain an Official LEI number.
LEI in the SFTR
SFTR also requires LEIs for those entering into securities financing transactions, as admitted by its proponents. This regulation is intended to create transparency in the repo and securities lending markets with reporting rules that must include LEIs.
3. United States: Emphasis on the Take-Up of LEIs
CFTC and SEC Regulations
In the United States, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began focusing on LEI implementation. Such regulatory bodies demand LEIs, especially for firms involved in the derivatives market and other related operations. Thus, while using the LEIs, one can solve the problems of identifying the counterparties, decreasing the level of systemic risk, and meeting the requirements for reporting.
LEI for Swaps Data Reporting
The CFTC has also required LEIs to report swap data. These rules are adopted under the requirements of the recently introduced bill known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the goal of enhancing the obligatory reporting of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.
4. LEI Regulations for Indian Companies
RBI and SEBI Initiatives
The authorities of India including the Reserve Bank of India and the Securities and Exchange Board of India have taken the necessary steps to encourage LEI utilization in India. LEIs for Indian companies can be applied from the accredited LOUs which will issue the official LEI for Indian companies. All these steps have been focused on improving the transparency level and combating financial scams in the Indian financial sector.
LEI for Large Corporate Borrowers
The RBI guidelines that any borrower as a large corporation has to take an Indian LEI. The existing application of this requirement concerns entities that have a total fund-based and non-fund-based exposure of ₹50 crore and above. The LEI proves useful in tracking the credit exposure of large borrowers and measures to reduce the standard risk within the banking sector.
SEBI’s LEI Requirements
The Securities and Exchange Board of India has made it compulsory for those dealing in the derivatives market, mutual funds as well as other specified financial markets to use LEI. This requirement allows all juridical persons to be distinguished from each other and provides a clear picture of the financial markets.
Other Developments in LEI Regulations and Requirements for 2024:
Integration with Corporate Registries and Internal Systems
Another enhancement made towards LEI regulations for the year 2024 relates to the increased focus on the link between LEI data with the corporate registers and company information management systems. The integration from this request is supposed to be used to optimize the approach to LEI updating to maintain its relevancy.
LEI Data Enrichment
Another upcoming advance in LEI data enrichment is the ability to add new information to LEI or extend LEI information. For 2024, one may consider further rounds that will focus on the subject which is the extension of LEI data beyond the identification details. Such enrichment could entail information on the company’s shareholders, its revenues or profits, or its sustainability ratings.
Bank of England Mandates LEI for CHAPS RTGS Payment Messages
In November 2024, the Official LEI number become compulsory for CHAPS Real-Time Gross Settlement payment messages according to the Bank of England. This change strives to increase transparency and effectiveness of the flow of funds in the United Kingdom. This means that all organizations tending to engage in CHAPS payments need to confirm that LEIs have been procured to meet this regulation.
Global Fintech Onboarding Revolutionized by LEI and Finbridge
Standardization of the fintech company’s onboarding process has been made easier by the merger of LEI Worldwide and Finbridge. This collaboration integrates the LEI into the Finbridge environment and improves its clients’ fintech organizations’ onboard process.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) LEI Deadline
The mandatory rule that has been set by the RBI involves obtaining an Indian LEI for corporate borrowers exposed to an amount above Rs. 10 Crore. This deadline was on the 30th of April in the year 2024. This means that any borrower who does not have an LEI is unable to borrow or get enhancements on their loans in the future.
EMIR Refit and Mandatory LEI Reporting Obligations
The reporting obligations and standardization controlled by the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) Refit assembled as part of the EU’s regulatory plan. Due to multiple reporting fields and the transition to ISO 20022-XML format, LEIs should be actively updated to prevent reporting problems. The financial institutions should therefore employ detailed LEI Management Dashboards to facilitate the management of LEI compliance.
Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation regulates the operational soundness of the Global LEI System. It refers to GLEIS which is an Operative Global Legal Entity identified Code that is issued to every legal entity that participates in financial transactions and the code is 20 digit LEI. Currently, LEIs are issued to more than 5 million companies around the globe, which proves that it has become a standard in identifying entities in trade.
The changes and updates in the rules and guidelines on the Official LEI number are a clear indication that efforts are being made to improve the international markets in terms of transparency, speed, and credibility. With more organizations worldwide adopting LEI codes as a fundamental identifier for legal entities, business organizations, and financial institutions must keep track of new trends and applicable regulatory requirements.