Environmental Impacts of Solar Energy
With the number of solar innovations being discovered over the years, it has been a solid proof that the world has started its business in going green. People are integrating equipment which are being run by solar energy, providing impacts not just for their own benefit, but for the environment as well. As the main source of energy for these solar innovations would be the sun, it provides a wider range of resources that generates clean, non-polluting, and sustainable electricity. This results in lesser global warming emissions. Over the years, it has been discovered that solar energy can be collected and stored. Then, they will be used on a global scale, with the purpose of replacing the traditional sources of energy in the long run. And being said that the world is turning green by turning its focus to cleaner power, solar energy has been considered as an important resource.
The sun provides a resource for generating clean and sustainable electricity without toxic pollution, or even global warming emissions. This alone can be such a huge environmental impact of solar energy. Given the other benefits and advantages it provides, this has become a motivation which makes homeowners incorporate any solar innovations to their homes or commercial infrastructures. It lets you save money as well.
Solar Energy Systems
Since the electricity costs continue to increase over time, especially those seasons with longer and hotter summers, it is eventually being considered as a financial burden for most people. Thus, as people are given the opportunity to make their own electricity, which refers to the energy that you do not have to purchase from local utilities, they can enjoy the benefits of solar energy at their own means. Installing solar can be a compelling way to contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future, while having to save a lot from your monthly expenses.
Solar energy systems extend several significant environmental benefits, especially when compared to the traditional energy sources. They are greatly contributing to the sustainable development of certain activities done everyday. Though there are times where wide scale deployment of these energy systems face potential negative environmental effects, these can be a strong barrier for advancements that will be made in the future. The usual environmental impacts that are connected with solar power can be categorized according to different classifications — namely land use and ecological impacts; effects on soil, water, and air; heavy metals; and others.
Land Use and Ecological Impacts
Solar energy facilities require large areas in terms of the collection of energy, because they generate electricity through a utility-scale. For this reason, these facilities may have to stand in the way of the existing land uses. They can even impact the use of areas like the natural environment, or other recreational management areas. This may sound like a negative impact, but providing just an adequate amount of space will not hurt. It may even benefit the environment as a whole. Though for a single usage of getting power from solar energy systems, installation of solar panels or roofs at home may not interfere with the mentioned land uses. They will only utilize a small area within a residence.
Energy systems also have the ability to provide impact to land through materials exploration, extraction, manufacturing, and disposal. This leads to energy footprints becoming gradually high. Thus, some of the lands may be used for the energy systems in a way that returning to a pre-disturbed state necessitates significant energy input or time, or both, whereas other uses are so dramatic that incurred changes are irreversible.
Impacts to Soil, Water, and Air Resources
The development of solar facilities on huge land areas imposes clearing and grading. This can result in soil compaction, alteration of drainage channels, and even increased erosion as well. Certain solar energy systems require the use of water for cooling. It is a major concern in the dry season. An increase in water demand may somehow strain available water resources. This may happen in the chemical spills from the facilities as well. It might result in the contamination of groundwater, or even just the surface. But then, not all solar innovations do require utilizing large amounts of water. It just depends on the technology and climate conditions.
Heavy Metals
A thin-film panel is a newly developed and one of the latest solar technologies that has been introduced. They have been manufactured with heavy metals. It is true that some materials used in these developments can be dangerous. But then, some can be environmentally friendly in a way that it can be recycled and can be utilized for a longer period of time.
Other Impacts
Traditional electricity, or the electricity you currently use at home, are obtained by burning fossil fuels. These fossil fuels, when burned, are the ones that damage the environment. It is because they emit harmful gases that cause air pollution and climate change. Transitioning from this to solar power will help combat the said gas emissions.
Solar innovations only use the natural renewable energy of the sun to generate electricity. Thus, its application would be of huge help in creating an impact through the reduction of carbon footprint. Thus, you can now avoid the carbon-emitting electricity because you can now solely rely on solar panels for power.
To sum this up, solar power does not let out any greenhouse gases and harmful pollutants that damages the environment. Therefore, it is safe and ecologically-friendly. This can impact the environment immensely as a whole.
Key Takeaway
You may not notice in the first place, but there are several aspects of the environmental impacts that solar energy gives out. There are negatives, but the positive ones will still prevail. Given the proof of their environmental advantages such as the reduction of greenhouse gases and harmful pollutants that imposes risk of damage. Carbon footprint will also be reduced, which is one of the major factors of having a sustainable environment. Integrate solar innovations and you will not only help the world in their route towards going green. Also, you can enjoy certain benefits too.