Early Pregnancy Signs: What Diet and Care To Follow?

Every woman has a different body, so are their experiences in pregnancy. A wide variety of transformations occurs in a woman’s body in the early phases of pregnancy.
Some women do not realize the early pregnancy sign and symptoms because it often imitates the symptoms they might experience before or during menstruation. It might make you realize that you aren’t pregnant.
But if you see any transformations in your body, do consult an obstetrician who will assure your pregnancy and provide better care. They will recommend some diet to follow so that it would not become a problem for your health.
Additionally, through this article, we are making you aware of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy and what diet and care you can follow.
6 Early Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy
Swollen And Delicate Breast
It is the first sign a pregnant woman goes through once they conceive. Hormonal changes in the early stage of the pregnancy are the cause of the swollen and delicate breast.
This discomfort may start decreasing after the first trimester as the body starts adjusting it. Moreover, the skin near the nipples known as areola starts occurring darker and the breast’s veins appear more clear.
Care And Diet: You can take some medication such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc. with the advice of an obstetrician or gynaecologist. If your breast pain is unbearable, an obstetrician may prescribe Danazol or Tamoxifen.
In addition, you can take Vitamin E and magnesium supplements and other multivitamins. Apply the ice packs to almost all the areas of the breasts. Moreover, stop taking caffeine and tobacco products and eat a low-fat meal.
Nausea, often called morning sickness, is a typical symptom of pregnancy. It can happen at any moment but is more frequent in the morning. Pregnancy hormones are the reason for such a condition.
Some pregnant women crave and some do not like certain foods. It is all because of hormonal changes. The impacts are so strong that even the food which used to be the favorite food can turn into an unfavorite one.
Nausea, food cravings, and aversions can stay for the complete span of the pregnancy. But in some women, these symptoms reduce at the 13 or 14 weeks of pregnancy.
Care And Diet: Intake of lemon can be beneficial. You can lick it or squeeze it in warm water to avoid morning sickness. Having ginger tea or grating it into your food can be helpful.
Eating a banana can also prevent nausea. In addition, it also provides nutrients and potassium, thus refueling your body. Do not intake a lot of fluids at one time.
Fatigue And Drowsiness
A pregnant woman starts feeling fatigued and drowsy after 1 week of pregnancy. It is because of the high rising level of progesterone hormone, which maintains the pregnancy and supports the growth of an infant.
Some causes could be due to low blood sugar levels, low blood pressure, and high blood production. Meanwhile, your body is creating a placenta, a supporting network for an embryo. It uses up all your energy and makes you exhausted. Sleeping disorders and nausea are also the cause of fatigue. Moreover, the other reason can be due to anemia, a deficiency of iron.
Care And Diet: A well-balanced food can help to get rid of fatigue. Eat protein-rich foods such as beans, yogurts, low-fat milk, peanut butter, or chicken breast. In addition, have an iron-rich diet such as spinach, peas, dark green leafy vegetables, seafood, etc.
Most importantly, drink 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Eat every four hours and include at least fruits and vegetables, one whole grain in each meal. Reduce the intake of caffeine. Additionally, have a good nap and practice exercise regularly with the guidance of your obstetrician.
Regular Urination
It starts around the 6 or 8 weeks of the pregnancy. A hormone called HCG(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) increases the flow of blood to kidneys which makes the urinary bladder more full, resulting in regular urination. As the baby grows, the wall of the uterus expands which reduces the space for the bladder to hold the urine. It is the reason why pregnant women urinate frequently during pregnancy. Simultaneously, you feel more thirsty than usual.
Care And Diet: Though it is advised to limit the intake of fluids during the pregnancy to relieve frequent urination, hydration is very necessary. Have 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
Increase the intake of fluids more often during the daytime because it can be annoying and exhausting to pee at night. During bedtime, have less water. Additionally, reduce the consumption of caffeine because it reduces the level of water from the body.
An increase in the level of progesterone hormone leads to the lowering of the mobility of the gastrointestinal tract muscles which brings about regurgitation. During pregnancy days, the hormones slow down the metabolism of the body and make the muscles slowly push down the food through the esophagus.
But as the wall of the uterus expands, it pushes on the stomach which forces the stomach acid up into the esophagus and causes heartburn.
Care And Diet: If you undergo heartburn during your pregnancy, consume small meals and stop eating the food just before bedtime. Do not drink any fluid between the meals.
Reduce the intake of fried and spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Moreover, wear loose-fitting attires and put an extra pillow below your head to make it lift.
Missed Or Delayed Period
The most prominent reason for pregnancy is missing the period. But be mindful that all the missed or delayed periods are always not the reason for pregnancy. Stopping the birth control precautions could be the reason behind the missing periods.
Sometimes, there is a possibility of bleeding because the egg fertilizes and embeds itself inside the uterine wall. This kind of situation can be harmful to your health. In addition, some other reasons would be gaining too much weight, fatigue, hormonal changes, stress, or other health issues.
So, to make sure, you must visit an obstetrician or gynecologists who will confirm the reasons behind the missing periods.
If you notice any differences, transformations, or the signs and symptoms mentioned above, do consult your obstetrician and gynaecologist. They will assure you of the reason and provide better prenatal care.
For better health, you should definitely follow the diet and care so that it would not create a problem in your pregnancy.