Diagnosing Own Food Allergies
Food Allergy
Do your hands and feet swell? What about your joints, do they ache sometimes? Your brain seems to be foggy at times and better at others? Headaches?
You might be allergic or sensitive to something you’re eating; an Food Allergy test package might tell you the exact status. If you can discover what it is that makes you feel tired, depressed, achy, or just not your normal self, you simply need to avoid eating it. But finding what it is can be a little difficult. This hub will help you discover what’s causing you to feel sick.
There are two methods. Method one is the hardest, but it get better results. Method Two is milder and takes longer, but you get good results in the end. Choose Method One if you have no serious health problems. Method Two is best if you have a medical condition such as heart problems or a diabetic.
After undergoing a food intolerance test for allergy I personally tried Method One, and the first four days were hard, but after that, I begin to feel wonderful. This test lead me to food allergies that surprised me, it was food I ate every day. I was allergic to food in the Nightshade family, which is tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Being unsure about this self-test, I had an Allergist give me a painful allergy test. And wouldn’t you know it, I’m allergic to the Nightshade family, molds such as mushrooms and aged cheese, and oats. I only self-tested the Nightshade family and not the others, but I am sure I would have discovered them as well. So, with close study of your body, you can help yourself.
Method One
The big first step is to eliminate a list of suspicious food from your diet for seven days. These foods are: sugar, milk products, wheat products, eggs, chocolate (any), citrus fruit, corn, cheese (aged or processed), caffeine, tomatoes, celery, white potatoes, yeast products, peanuts, apple, peach, pork, mushrooms and any other food you suspect. Don’t cheat, or it won’t work!
So, what can you eat? Here’s the good food list: salads without dressing, any fruit or fruit juice not listed above, any vegetable not listed above, white or brown rice, nuts, any oil, beans, any herbs, garlic and onions, rice cereal, honey, rice cakes, oatmeal, chicken, turkey, any other lean meat except pork, and fish.
During this elimination period, expect to have withdrawal symptoms for the first 3-5 days. You may experience a headache, irritability, stomach ache, bloating, nausea, or weakness. On the fifth day, you’ll feel cleansed.
On day 8, you may begin to reintroduce suspicious foods back into your diet. Eat these foods in their purest forms only along with the good food list. On day 8, drink a glass of milk. Day 9, wheat, eat 100% wheat noodles or all-wheat cereal, not bread. Day 10, egg. Day 11, chocolate, only Baker’s because it’s purer. Day 12, orange. Day 13, corn. Day 14, caffeine, black coffee only. Day 15, a piece of aged cheese. Day 16, tomato (if allergic to tomato, you will also be to white potato. Day 17, a tablespoon of sugar. Day 18, brewer’s yeast. Continue until all your food testing is done.
If you experience and of these symptoms, the food allergy tested must be removed from your diet: stuffiness, cough, irritability, hyperactivity, drowsiness, headache, stomach ache, gas, or achy and swollen joints.
Method Two
This method is easier. Just eliminate each food listed above for 2 days, and on day 3 eat that food. If nothing happens, good. But if you experience any of the symptoms, the food must be removed from your diet.
I’m not going to lie to you, cutting out these foods are hard! You’ll feel shaky for the first 3-5 days, but after that you’ll feel better. That’s when you realize that you’ve been eating sometime toxic to your body. Yes, I cheat sometimes, but I’ll pay for it by having swollen hands and achy joints the next day. So, those potato chips are just not worth it!
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