Convert Your Mountain Bike To A Road Bike
Mountain biking is a sport in which you ride your bike through different terrains like hills, forests, roads, and sometimes even on the sandy beaches. When you ride on a mountainous terrain, you can either ride downhill or uphill and that is why mountain bikes are used for this kind of riding. Mountain bikes have very small tires which are designed to make your ride smoother and more comfortable. But there are some people who don’t like the idea of mountain biking as they feel that it is not easy to ride on the road and it is hard to handle. There are some people who have a road bike but they don’t use it because it is heavy and bulky. So, they have no choice but to convert their mountain bike to a road bike.
Converting a mountain bike to a road bike is not a difficult process, but you need to have a detailed knowledge about the bike before starting the process. If you have no idea about how to convert a mountain bike to a road bike, then you can take help of a professional. But if you know how to do it, then you can do it yourself.
It is very important to know the type of the motor of your mountain bike and the type of the tires that you have. If you know the type of the motor and the tires, then you will be able to choose the right parts and accessories.
Here are some tips that will help you to convert mountain bike to a road bike.
Check the size of the frame
You need to check the size of the frame of your bike. You can get the size of the frame by taking measurements of the seat and handlebars. If the measurements are correct, then you will be able to buy the required parts.
Choose a suitable gear ratio
The gear ratio is a way to calculate the number of teeth on the gears. The smaller the gear ratio, the more will be the resistance and the heavier will be the bike. But a higher gear ratio will make the bike lighter. So, you need to choose a suitable gear ratio according to your needs.
Choose the right size wheels
If you have a mountain bike, then you will have a 26 inch wheel and you need to change it to a 27.5 inch wheel. If you have a 27.5 inch wheel, then you can easily get a road bike.
Buy New Tires
If you have a mountain bike, then you will have a tire of 22 to 24 inches. If you are going to convert your mountain bike to a road bike, then you will have to buy a tire of 25 to 28 inches. You will have to buy a new tire that is compatible with your frame and the size of the new wheels.
Buy A New Fork
If you have a mountain bike, then you will have a fork that is around 35 to 40 cm long. If you want to convert your mountain bike to a road bike, then you will have to replace it with a fork that is around 50 to 60 cm long.
Choose The Right Color
If you want to convert your mountain bike to a road bike, then you should choose a color that is similar to a road bike. You should choose a dark color and avoid the bright and colorful colors.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Converting A Mountain Bike To A Road Bike?
Mountain biking is a great sport and you can practice it on your own, but the thing is that not all bikes are suitable for mountain biking. Mountain bikes are a little bit heavier than road bikes and the weight is not just about the frame, it is also about the tires and brakes. So, if you are planning to convert your mountain bike into a road bike, then you need to know the pros and cons of it.
Pros of converting a mountain bike into a road bike
It’s easy
It will take less time
Less expensive
Cons of converting a mountain bike into a road bike:
You will lose the ability to go up and down hills
The tires will become flat
If you are planning to convert your mountain bike into a road bike, then you must be aware of the pros and cons of it.
These are some of the tips that you can follow to convert your mountain bike to a road bike. So, you should follow these tips and get a road bike that is easy to handle and that will make you enjoy your riding.