Ayurveda: The Art and Science of Holistic Healing
Ayurveda is a classical system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Apart from medicine, it has been used for other purposes such as beauty and spirituality. Ayurveda is considered one of the oldest medical systems in the world. Thousands of Ayurvedic practices and knowledge have nowadays been adopted or integrated into modern medicine. Ayurvedic education is no doubt an ancient system but still the science of today. In fact, it is a divine gift to mankind throughout history. In modern form, Ayurveda became an alternate medicine.
Ayurveda For Everyone
There are many ancient Indian medical texts. The most famous, the Charaka Samhita, was written around 800 CE. But the basic ideas of Ayurveda are much older, and according to the historian, David Frawley go back to the time of the Indus Valley Civilization or maybe even beyond that.
For example, Ayurveda says that there are three doshas or humors: vata, pitta, and kapha. They correspond approximately to what modern medicine calls adrenaline, cholesterol, and water. Ayurveda describes how they circulate through our bodies and how they affect our health. It also describes how they can combine in different ways to create other bodily systems, such as circulation or digestion.
Why does this matter? Because until recently all medical knowledge was local. Even if you traveled widely within your own civilization–as did Avicenna or Ibn Sina–you could not see much beyond your own small corner of it. So it is not surprising that different civilizations should come up with similar ideas about how the body works. It is surprising that Ayurveda should have anticipated some of the discoveries of modern biology by several thousand years.
The Differences Between Ayurveda and Western Medicine
The differences between Ayurveda and western medicine are partly a matter of theory. But mostly they have to do with how the treatment is administered.
The most basic difference is that Ayurveda seeks to understand each patient as a whole person, not just as a disease. It wants to know you well enough to be able to take account of your bad habits, physical weaknesses, psychological quirks, and spiritual needs.
The differences between Ayurveda and western medicine are partly a matter of theory. But mostly they have to do with how the treatment is administered.
The most basic difference is that Ayurveda seeks to understand each patient as a whole person, not just as a disease. It wants to know you well enough to be able to take account of your bad habits, physical weaknesses, psychological quirks, and spiritual needs.
It’s Never too Late to Learn Ayurveda
It’s never too late to learn Ayurveda courses in Kerala. If you’re a student, a parent, a teacher, a doctor, a farmer, or a businessperson – and even if you’re just someone who’s passionate about living well – it’s likely that Ayurveda could help you.
It’s never too late to learn Ayurveda courses in Kerala. You’ll get the most benefit from learning ayurveda at any age, but there are some reasons why it may be especially useful for older people:
As we get older we start to lose some of our ability to heal ourselves. Many of us experience aches and pains that we just can’t seem to get rid of. We may develop allergies and sensitivities that we didn’t have before. Things like insomnia and anxiety become more common as we age.
If these things are happening to you, it may be because your body is losing its natural ability to heal itself and maintain balance on its own. It may be time for you to look into Ayurveda courses in Kerala .
Benefits of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a science for understanding your body, health, and lifestyle. That is thousands of years old and is still practiced in India today.
This will make you feel better, but it’s more than that. It will make you understand why you feel the way you do.
Ayurvedic will help you choose foods that are not only healthy for you but that taste good. You’ll learn how to cook simple, healthy meals that taste good too.
It will show you how to exercise in a way that’s fun and gives your body what it needs to stay fit and strong.
Maybe most importantly it will teach you how to relax so that you can enjoy life more. When you learn Ayurveda, you begin seeing patterns everywhere: in your food choices, in what activities give you energy and which ones tire you out, even in the way the light hits things at different times of day. You become aware of all these patterns, and then begin choosing the things that benefit your mind and body the most.