29 Fun Facts About Maths Which You Haven’t Heard Before

Math is not a boring subject if you are ready to enjoy it. There is a quote that – “Maths gives a hope that every problem has a solution and not only one there is a number of solutions”. Similarly, there is an insane number of problems in life, but we should always try to focus on finding the solutions, not the problems. The only thing that you need to do is – think positively, and try every strategy with patience. Don’t wait for the answers because if you are following the right process then the answer would be correct.
If not then let’s add some interest by reading the following 29 fun facts about Maths.
Here Are Some Of The Math Facts Which You Haven’t Heard Before
- We all are referring to the number 100 with “hundred” but this word originated from the “hundrath” and it means 120.
- Suppose if there are 23 people sitting in a room, the percentage of having the same birth date is almost 50%.
- In the “FORTY” word, every single letter is arranged in alphabetical order and no other word has such possibility.
- In the word “ONE”, readers can spell the word in decreasing order.
- There is only a single word from the whole number counts where you can find “a” letter and that is “one thousand”.
- You may have learned the even and odd numbers but you don’t know about the fact that – every odd number has “even” like seven.
- There is a conflict between the use of the “s” or not in the math word and American predicts that it should be singular.
- In the twelve plus one or eleven plus two, there are 13 words. Most of the time, you will find the same written in the degrees and in an interview.
- There is a play by Shakespeare – “The Taming Of The Show” where the “Mathematics” word is used.
- “Obelus” word is referred to as a division symbol in Maths.
- It takes 8 minutes and 45 seconds to reach the light from the sun to earth.
- If you want to make a cookie then use the ratio of flour, fat, and sugar the ratio of 3:2:1.
- Days in the year are exactly 365.2564, not just 365.
- Let us remind again that – the radius of the moon is 1079.6 miles.
- Frozen is a favorite of many but there is one song named “Let it go” which is the most listened to song on Spotify and the numbers are exactly 363,100,000 times.
- The covered percentage on the Earth with water is about 70% and 20% is for pure water.
- The temperature of the Hawaiian volcano is about 22,00 degrees Fahrenheit.
- The speed of the Cheetah and Squirrel is 76 and 20 per hour.
- Most of you would be a fan of Usain Bolt because he runs fast and the speed is about 28 miles per hour.
- There is a round-off of digit 0.99999 and it is exactly 1.
- In Roman numerals, there is nothing like zero.
- Most of you must be not aware of the unit of actual time and that is “jiffy” and that is 1/100th of seconds.
- 14th of October is the World’s Math Day.
- After the hexagon and pentagon, there is an icosagan shape that has 20 sides.
- You will add up the opposite sides of a die and it would be 7. An interesting thing which you should try once.
- The origin of the calculator was ABACUS.
- The shortest perimeter and large area among the whole shape is the circle.
Wrapping Up –
These are some of the interesting 29 fun facts about Maths and you would love to read all of them if you like it as a subject. For more information like math intervention strategies, follow us today because we have a purpose to keep you one step forward than others. The only thing that you need to do is – think positively, and try every strategy with patience. Don’t wait for the answers because if you are following the right process then the answer would be correct.